A Bulldog Birthday Party
This month we celebrated Top Dawg Truman’s 50th birthday party. Since this is a landmark birthday, after all, I decided to get him a beautiful cake. Thanks to the great people at Three Dog Bakery, Truman got this great cake! They had lots of options to choose from, including the size, shape and even the frosting. It was between vanilla, peanut butter and carob chip. I went with peanut butter.

I picked up the cake a day early so we kept it in the fridge. We celebrated his birthday on Saturday, when everyone was around.

I wanted to get a cute picture of him sitting in front of his cake, but nooo, he couldn’t wait to get his paws on the cake. This picture cracks me up, he was paddling his legs around like he was swimming in the air.

I think he had a little too much cake and too much partying. Happy 50th birthday, Truman!
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