ABA Negotiation Competition
My 3L year is bittersweet because it means I’m almost done with law school (yay!) but that the amazing experiences that come with it are coming to an end. This weekend I traveled with my school’s negotiation team to Chicago to compete in my second ABA Negotiation Competition. It was a blast. Our team is so much fun and we have a great coach. The fact that we all had a blast even after driving 9+ hours on Friday, competing all day Sunday, and then driving 9+ hours home on Sunday tells you something.

After a very long drive on Friday, we arrived in Chicago and decided to check out the law school so we knew exactly where to go the next morning. By then it was about 8pm and everyone was hungry, so of course we had to get some Chicago style pizza. We ordered two mediums between the 5 of us and we each ate 1 piece and were completely stuffed.

After dinner, we walked out on Navy Pier because it was beautiful weather. After snapping a few pictures and admiring the view, we headed back to our hotel for an early morning.

Saturday morning we arrived bright and early at beautiful Northwestern Law. The campus was amazing and my partner and I had fun exploring the law school between rounds. It reminded both of us of Oxford.

This was the ceiling in one of the rooms where we sat at a big wooden table with table lamps preparing for our second round. It was so pretty!

After the competition was over, we all went out to eat downtown at a Mexican restaurant called New Rebozo. The food was excellent! This is my partner’s tamales and I didn’t even think to take a picture of mine. I got a plate of enchiladas with 6 different moles- from plum to pistachio to walnut. It was fabulous! After a great weekend (and my last law school negotiation competition) it’s time to get back to studying for the last week of classes and finals.
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